Let’s look at Connection through the eyes of the Chakras which are vortexes of energy within us and around us. Energy is everywhere, constantly moving and changing. For me connection starts with connecting to my body first so that I can feel the sensations within my body as well as the emotions. It took a long time for me to be able to do this which is a story for another time.
What is your definition of connection? For me I always connect to myself first so that I can then connect to my intuition. My intuition and psychic abilities are so important to me as they have change my lives in ways I couldn’t imagine. It took awhile for me to learn how to connect to my body, and emotions as I honestly didn’t like them
In this blog I will talk about connection in each Chakra. Settle in for a ride that will move from one Chakra to another learning about how and why you would connect with that Chakra. I have also written a blog on the 7 Main Chakras which you can find here
Earth Connection Chakra
Connecting to your energy.
Within this Chakra, which is in the core of Mother Earth is about connecting to the Mother energy of nurturing through the heat of the core. This heat isn’t overwhelming or overpowering, it is a warmth that warms every part of you right deep into your bones. Have you ever felt like you energy is scattered? This is where you can go to bring all of your energy back to within you. This is the first Chakra to ground your energy fully within your body and help you to stay connected whenever you meditate or listen to a hypnosis.
What about your business? Yes it has its own energy, soul, spirit, and whenever you want to connect with your business before you work with it then imagine its energy heading deep down into this Chakra. Can you imagine for a moment that your business has its own identity and that if you want to discover what it is this Chakra can help you with that? We all have identities. Yes. I meant identities, not identity. Talk to your business. Ask what identities it wants to be and see how that fits with you and you values.
Watch the video (Ep 2) here on YouTube. I did a second episode (Ep 121) on this and you can see it here
Listen to Ep 2 on Apple here
Listen Ep 2 on Spotify here
Root Base Chakra
Grounding within your body for safety and security
Safety and security are at the base of everything which is why it is the first Chakra within the physical body. The more that we connect to the earth and then bring our energy up the easier it is to feel safe and secure. As this is a foundation Chakra it also helps us with our psychological state. You feel safe and secure your mindset and happiness are stronger. Connection in the Chakra involves anything that is physical in nature including self care. Going for a walk, applying a face mask, dancing etc are all wonderful ways to connect.
Your business also wants to feel safe and secure and one of those ways is to have boundaries with yourself and your business. Remember that you need a rest and so does your business. How can you help your business to rest? That is something that you will need to decide. I have a lovely ritual now which has strengthen the more that I communicate with my business. I have a physical representation of my business so that anytime I am feeling less connected to it I can reach for them and connect.
Watch the video, Ep 6, here on YouTube
Listen to Ep 6 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 6 on Spotify here
Sacral Chakra
The seat of your emotions.
In the Sacral Chakra we have sensuality, sexuality, and the start of creativity. Think about the shape of your pelvis. It is like a cradle and the Sacral Chakra is in the middle of the pelvis being cradled like we do for a baby. When we start connecting to our emotions and then go to a deeper level we can need cradling. Take your energy into this Chakra, connect with it and you physically. When you feel that you can tune into your emotions without them overwhelming you then you can allow the emotions to come up for you to embrace.
Connecting to our business can bring up emotions and beliefs that we may not be aware of so the more that you connect with it on a daily basis the easier it will be to feel and work through the beliefs. Your business does want you to succeed. Connect with it daily and work with the energy. In regards to the sensuality and sexuality that is present in this Chakra how attracted are you to your business? It may sound strange yet when we have passion we have attraction and visa versa. This brings you confidence and courage to do business your way.
Watch the video, Ep 10 here on YouTube
Listen to Ep 10 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 10 on Spotify here
Solar Plexus Chakra
Creativity and Inner Strength
The Solar Plexus Chakra is situated approximately at the belly button and imagine the muscles that are there to help you with support, strength and connection. The deeper the connection the the more confidence and courage you will have to stand strong personally and in your business. This is also helps you with the ability to respond instead of reacting. Reacting is good when we are in danger of some sort and it isn’t so helpful in our business. Responding is coming from a place of calm and confidence whereas reaction comes from instinct and without thinking. This can end up being harmful within our business. Take the time to connect and learn the difference.
DO you believe that you can help your clients transform their lives? This is where connecting to this Chakra can help you feel confident in your abilities to do this. Remember though, it is your client that does the work in changing and transforming. Don’t take the credit. Connect to the energy of your business and see how it can support you. Communicate with it and you may be amazed at what happens.
Watch the video, Ep 15, here on YouTube
Listen to Ep 15 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 15 on Spotify here
Heart Chakra
Connecting through love
The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower chakras and the higher chakras. It likes to have a say in the energy going through it so it can ensure that you are then able to raise your vibration more easily.
In regards to connection in this chakra we connect through hope. When we have hope in our life our connection to ourselves is so much stronger because we can see a way forward and our future looks brighter. The more present we are, the more hope, passion and joy we have and the more connected we are.
Remember that what happens in your personal life does affect your business so if your don’t have the hope in your life how does that affect you when you work on and in your business? You have a relationship with your business and so if you have hope in your life then this helps you to have passion and excitement for your business.
The hope helps you when you plan the future of your business whether it is immediate future or a couple of years in the future. The hope also allows you to feel more grounded and at peace. Coming from this place is so helpful when you are working with clients because you don’t push them to do things that are not right for them. You stay connected to yourself which means you can ready body language and their energy easier.
Watch the video, Ep 20, here on YouTube
Listen to Ep 20 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 20 on Spotify here
Throat Chakra
Connecting through communicating.
When I communicate I love to be authentic and real with integrity. This is the chakra that helps with that as I can tell when I am not connected to my body. What shows up is my voice wobbles, I lose my train of thought, I need to drink a lot of water when I talk and I don’t feel the passion that I normally do for the topic I am talking about. The connection easier these days because I have strong boundaries around all forms of my communication.
When we learn to connect to the energy of our business we come to an understanding that we don’t need to know all the answers. Growing up I didn’t feel that I had control over my life and I decided that I needed to know everything as that was my way to control what I could. Now that I am connecting to the energy of my business on a daily basis I don’t need to know all the answers and if feels so good to be like this. Sometimes I do want to know the answers as it is really important for me and my business.
Watch the video, Ep 28, here on YouTube
Listen to Ep 28 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 28 on Spotify here
Third Eye Chakra
Connection through thoughts.
Our Third Eye is related to our spiritual Third Eye as well as our brain. When we are lacking connection to ourselves we have a lot more thoughts running through our head that isn’t aligned to where we want to be going. Something may happen personally and we ruminate over it again again letting it get to us. Connecting to our body helps to reduce this which of course is so much better for us.
The Third Eye for me was the first chakra that fully opened in a flash without needing to do anything. This doesn’t mean that I don’t struggle with this chakra and that is where connecting to your body and working with the lower chakras first helps to understand whether our thoughts come from love or fear. We can think that so many of our thoughts are coming from love because we may not have been taught how to tell the difference between the thoughts. Let your business help you with this.
Watch the video, Ep 36, here on YouTube
Listen to Ep 36 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 36 on Spotify here
Crown Chakra
Connection through spirituality
The Crown Chakra is the last chakra within our physical body and connects us to our higher self, the universe, other dimensions and more. Connecting to your body and this chakra can help you with receiving information and insights. Is there something in your life that you are not sure of? Ensure that you are in a space of safety first before connecting and travelling away from the earth.
Our business has a purpose in this world and that is where connecting to your body and working with the lower chakras first helps to understand the purpose that our business has in this world and the purpose that we bring to it. Struggling with the purpose your business has? Go back to connecting with yourself first and foremost.
Watch the video, Ep 44, here on YouTube
Listen to Ep 44 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 44 on Spotify here
Solar Lunar Chakra
Connection through surrendering
I was downloaded information about this Chakra that is two chakras that combined into one. You can find more information here. There comes a time that we we are connecting so well with our body that we surrender. Now surrender doesn’t mean giving up, it means surrendering to the connection and feeling the peace and grounding on the deepest level you never knew was possible. Remember to connect to the Earth Connection Chakra first and bring the energy up through the chakras out through the Crown Chakra and into the Solar Lunar Chakra.
Starting a business can be hard and learning to trust yourself as a businesswoman is important in that it helps you to not have shiny object syndrome and sign up to the coaches/mentors that don’t have your best interests at heart. People who won’t tell you there way is the only way and manipulate you to sign up without giving you space. This chakra is the one that will help you with trusting yourself when you connect with it.
Watch the video, Ep 52, here on YouTube
Listen Ep 52 on Apple here
Listen to Ep 52 on Spotify here
The Chakras are the most amazing vortexes of energy in our body and around us. They are everywhere and can help us in ways we don’t even know yet. This blog’s aim was to help you understand how the Chakras can help you to be more connected to yourself, your intuition and your business.
I wish you all the best in learning how to connect and experience a life and business that you desire and know that you can have.