Ever wondered why some days you’re feeling in perfect harmony, and others it’s like you’ve got a gremlin in your energy flow? Meet your Chakras. Seven little energy hubs with big personalities. As a result each one governs different aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual life and in another blog I will be talking about the Chakras in regards to business and I will also talk about how your business has its own energy and Chakras.
People comment on how Chakras can become blocked. Well, I don’t agree with that because the Chakras are energy and so are you. Energy is constantly moving. It may slow down. It doesn’t stop though, which means the Chakras can’t become blocked. If they did, well let’s just say that you would be going “Home.”
Let’s dive in and get to know these colorful characters, their quirks, and how to keep them spinning like pros.
1. Root Base Chakra
Root (also known as Base) Chakra (Muladhara)
The Root Chakra is your energetic foundation. It’s all about survival, stability, and feeling grounded. Think of it as the roots of a tree, strong, steady, and deep in the earth. When balanced, you feel safe and secure; when it’s off, life can feel a bit like quicksand. Let’s dig deeper into this earthy chakra!
Location: Base of the spine.
Element: Earth.
Symbol: Four-petaled lotus.
Sound: “LAM”.
Star Sign: Capricorn and Taurus.
Crystals: Red Jasper, Hematite, Smoky Quartz.
Aromatherapy: Cedarwood, Patchouli.
Body Systems: Legs, feet, and large intestine.
When it Develops: Birth to 7 years.
Signs It Needs Support: Feeling unsafe, financial instability, constant fatigue, or a tendency to hoard (looking at you, junk drawer!).
Signs It’s Thriving: Grounded, secure, strong boundaries, and a solid sense of belonging.
When your Root Chakras in sync, it’s like having Wifi bars full on your survival instincts. Keep it grounded with some Hematite in your pocket or a little Patchouli in your diffuser.
2. Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The Sacral Chakra is the home of creativity, passion, and pleasure. It’s the spark that fuels your artistic pursuits and emotional connections. Imagine it as the flowing water of a river, fluid, powerful, and full of life. When this chakra is balanced, you’re living with zest and creating freely. Let’s dive into the details!
Location: Below the navel.
Element: Water.
Symbol: Six-petaled lotus.
Sound: “VAM”.
Star Sign: Scorpio and Cancer.
Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Moonstone.
Aromatherapy: Ylang Ylang, Orange.
Body Systems: Reproductive system, kidneys, bladder.
When it Develops: 8 to 14 years.
Signs It Needs Support: Creative blocks, lack of joy, intimacy issues, or emotional rollercoaster rides.
Signs It’s Thriving: Creative, passionate, emotionally balanced, and in tune with life’s pleasures.
Think of your Sacral Chakra as your inner artist and emotional weather vane. Get it vibing with Carnelian for creativity or a splash of Ylang Ylang to awaken your senses.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Let’s look at the Solar Plexus Chakra which is your power center. It’s where confidence, motivation, and personal willpower live. Picture it as your inner sun, radiating energy, strength, and warmth. When this chakra is aligned, you’re unstoppable. Let’s light it up and learn more!
Location: Upper abdomen.
Element: Fire.
Symbol: Ten-petaled lotus.
Sound: “RAM”.
Star Sign: Leo and Aries.
Crystals: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber.
Aromatherapy: Lemon, Ginger.
Body Systems: Digestive system, pancreas, liver.
When it Develops: 15 to 21 years.
Signs It Needs Support: Low self-esteem, lack of motivation, digestive issues, or “fear of putting yourself out there” syndrome.
Signs It’s Thriving: Confidence, determination, willpower, and a sense of purpose.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is your inner superhero cape. Recharge it with Citrine for sunny vibes and Lemon aromatherapy for an energetic boost.

I want to pause here and take stock of what we have talked about as these Chakras are your foundation. There is talk that communication is only held in the Throat Chakra. I don’t agree with this. Yes, communication is held there, yet if we don’t have the lower foundational Chakras working then our communication will be the bare minimum.
Now can you remember a time when you wanted to speak and it came out like a squeak or you didn’t want to say what you wanted to? Yes that is your Throat Chakra and it is also your lower Chakras. Remember to take your energy down to the Earth Connection Chakra (see below), and then bring it up through the Chakras stopping at each one for a short time, letting the energy sit in there and then move to the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the Lower Chakras and the Higher Chakras.
Like some bridges that have a beam to prevent cars crossing them the Heart Chakra has something similar. It slows down the energy to ensure that the energy is what you need to communicate, connect to your intuition etc.
4. Heart Chakra
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The Heart Chakra is the bridge between your physical and spiritual self. It’s all about love, self-love, love for others, and unconditional compassion. Think of it as the warm hug of your energy system. When it’s open and balanced, you’re a beacon of connection. Let’s explore this loving energy!
Location: Center of the chest.
Element: Air.
Symbol: Twelve-petaled lotus.
Sound: “YAM”.
Star Sign: Libra and Gemini.
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Jade.
Aromatherapy: Rose, Geranium.
Body Systems: Heart, lungs, circulatory system.
When it Develops: 21 to 28 years.
Signs It Needs Support: Feeling closed off, lack of forgiveness, or carrying grudges heavier than your gym weights.
Signs It’s Thriving: Open-hearted, compassionate, balanced, and capable of deep connections.
Your Heart Chakras your love HQ. Keep it glowing with Rose Quartz and a few drops of Rose oil to invite unconditional love, even for Mondays.
5. Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The Throat Chakra is your communication HQ. It’s your voice, your truth, and your ability to express yourself. Imagine it as a megaphone for your authenticity. When balanced, you speak clearly and confidently. Let’s tune into this vocal powerhouse!
Location: Throat area.
Element: Ether.
Symbol: Sixteen-petaled lotus.
Sound: “HAM”.
Star Sign: Aquarius and Virgo.
Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite.
Aromatherapy: Peppermint, Eucalyptus.
Body Systems: Throat, vocal cords, thyroid.
When it Develops: 29 to 35 years.
Signs It Needs Support: Fear of speaking up, sore throats, or bingeing on “people-pleasing.”
Signs It’s Thriving: Clear communication, honesty, and the courage to speak your truth.
The Throat Chakra is your personal megaphone for authenticity. Amplify it with Lapis Lazuli and let Peppermint aromatherapy clear your voice, literally and energetically.
6. Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
The Third Eye Chakra is your intuition and inner wisdom. It’s where imagination and insight collide to help you see the bigger picture. Think of it as your personal crystal ball. When balanced, it opens the door to clarity and spiritual guidance. Let’s tap into this visionary energy!
Location: Between the eyebrows.
Element: Light.
Symbol: Two-petaled lotus.
Sound: “OM”.
Star Sign: Pisces and Sagittarius.
Crystals: Amethyst, Fluorite, Labradorite.
Aromatherapy: Lavender, Clary Sage.
Body Systems: Eyes, brain, nervous system.
When it Develops: 36 to 42 years.
Signs It Needs Support: Lack of intuition, overthinking, or doubting your gut feelings.
Signs It’s Thriving: Intuitive, imaginative, and seeing the bigger picture with clarity.
Your Third Eye Chakra is your inner crystal ball. Keep it sparkling with Amethyst and some Lavender oil to invite peace and insight.
7. Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The Crown Chakra is your connection to the divine and infinite. It’s the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Think of it as your cosmic antenna. When balanced, you feel a deep sense of purpose and unity. Let’s reach for the stars with this powerful chakra!
Location: Top of the head.
Element: Thought/Spirit.
Symbol: Thousand-petaled lotus.
Sound: Silent meditation or “AUM”.
Star Sign: All zodiac signs.
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Selenite, Amethyst.
Aromatherapy: Frankincense, Sandalwood.
Body Systems: Central nervous system, brain.
When it Develops: 43+ years.
Signs It Needs Support: Feeling disconnected, uninspired, or stuck in overanalysis mode.
Signs It’s Thriving: Connected, spiritually aware, and living your higher purpose.
Your Crown Chakra is your cosmic WiFi connection. Strengthen it with Clear Quartz and Frankincense for that divine download feeling.

New Chakras.
These are the 7 Main Chakras that are within the body. A few years ago I was downloaded information about two different Chakras that I work with and that you can as well. Yes there is a Chakra just below the feet. I was guided that the Earth Connection Chakra is the first grounded Chakra and is where the energy of Mother Earth resides.
The Solar Lunar Cakra is two Chakras that joined to become one so that when you meditate, visualise, are in hypnosis, or astral travel you are connect even stronger than just by the amazing Crown Chakra. Imagine a 4 or more strand cord or a metal chain connecting your human body to your energy so that you stay connected. This helps with you remaining associate to your body. Have you ever felt a time when you did a meditation and didn’t want to come back? That most likely was you not being fully connected to your body.
Earth Connection Chakra
The Earth Connection Chakra doesn’t have a Sanskrit name.
The Earth Connection Chakra is your grounding beyond the physical—it’s about your relationship with the planet, nature, and your sense of belonging within it all. Imagine this chakra as your personal earth anchor, keeping you tethered to the core of Mother Earth and present whilst working with the energy of Mother Earth. When it’s balanced, you feel deeply rooted and supported by the natural world.
Location: Core of Mother Earth.
Element: Earth.
Symbol: Infinite spiral. A spiral merging into a circle, representing infinite grounding.
Sound: “HUM”.
Star Sign: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.
Crystals: Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Petrified Wood, Moss Agate.
Aromatherapy: Vetiver, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Patchouli.
Body Systems: Feet, legs, and skeletal system.
When it Develops: During spiritual awakening. Starts forming in utero and continues evolving as you interact with nature throughout life.
Signs It Needs Support: Feeling disconnected from nature, ungrounded, or overwhelmed or stuck in the chaos of modern life, or struggling with a lack of stability.
Signs It’s Thriving: Deeply connected to the earth, grounded, resilient, and energized by natural surroundings.
Think of this chakra as your direct hotline to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. To keep this Chakra happy, spend time in nature, or walk barefoot on the grass. Carry Smoky Quartz to stay grounded, or let Vetiver aromatherapy ground your energy.
Solar Lunar Chakra
The Solar Lunar Chakra doesn’t have a Sanskrit name.
The Solar Lunar Chakra is the dance of balance between cosmic energies where you integrate the yin (moon or lunar) and yang (sun or solar) energies within you. It’s where masculine and feminine energies harmonize, guiding your inner equilibrium and helping you embrace both action and reflection. Located above the head, this chakra bridges your intuitive and dynamic energies, creating harmony within. Picture it as your celestial switchboard for universal energy.
Location: Above the head.
Element: Solar (Firs) and Lunar (Water).
Symbol: A yin-yang circle surrounded by flames and waves.
Sound: “SO-HUM”.
Star Sign: Gemini and Libra (duality and balance).
Crystals: Moonstone, Sunstone, Labradorite, Celestite.
Aromatherapy: Neroli, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Bergamot.
Body Systems: Crown and auric field.
When it Develops: During advanced spiritual practice.
Signs It Needs Support: Imbalance in energy, struggling with balance in life, feeling disconnected from either action or intuition or overactive mental chatter.
Signs It’s Thriving: Harmonious, aligned with both intuitive and active energies, and deeply connected to universal flow.
Support your Solar Lunar Chakra by basking in the sun for solar energy, meditating under the moon, or using a Labradorite crystal to connect both forces. It’s your go-to chakra for cosmic yin-yang perfection. Harness this chakras power with Moonstone for intuition and Sunstone for vitality. Add Neroli to your diffuser for that perfect cosmic balance.

The Benefits of Working With Your Chakras
Think of your chakras as a team. When one’s out of sync, the others can get cranky too. Working with them brings:
- Physical Health: Better digestion, immunity, and overall vitality.
- Emotional Balance: Say goodbye to mood swings.
- Spiritual Growth: Deepen your connection to the universe and yourself.
- Energy Flow: Feel like the vibrant, unstoppable force you truly are.
Now that you have have more information about your Chakras including the two new ones, this information can help you when life isn’t what you would like, your business isn’t going how you think it should and many more reasons. Bookmark this blog to come back to whenever you feel you need the information.
So, why not show your chakras some love? A little crystal, aromatherapy, or meditation can go a long way in keeping your energy in check. After all, a balanced chakra system equals a balanced, radiant you!
Do you want to learn more about the Chakras? You can find more information on my YouTube Channel where you can search for many different topics.
Do you want to know how the Chakras show up for you?
Did you know that the information here is general information and that every single person’s Chakras can be different including colours, personal aspects, etc? How would you like to know how your Chakras show up for you? I offer a 3 Month Group Program “Heartfelt Connection to Your Business,” or a self study program to help you dive deep into your own Chakras and that of your business’s energy. Yes your business has an energy which means it also has Chakras.
You can find more information on my services page here and I look forward to supporting you on this journey.